Our story starts with the belief that caring for widows and orphans is the most tangible way we can live a life of faith. Reeds of Hope began small, with the hope of fulfilling this duty to care for those in desperate and heart-wrenching circumstances. We support children with education, medical care, mentorship and career training. We also provide the same holistic care to the extended families or mothers and families in the community who take in a child we support. This ensures that families can stick together and exit extreme poverty. Our name is inspired by the story of Moses in the Bible, who was placed in a basket of reeds to save his life. We honor this story by doing what it takes to help children and families become healthy and thrive.
From 2010-2014 we worked with "Save the Children" orphanage in Eastern DRC to bring formula, powdered milk, and additional staff to care for the children. Eventually, we added regular sponsors to support individual babies and older children. In addition, we provided the school fees for children who had moved out of the orphanage and lived with their family members.
In January 2015, we decided it was time to transition to supporting the efforts at Family Bethlehem, a home for orphaned and vulnerable children. For the past 23 years, they have worked to bring hope to children whose families are in crises or have fallen apart.
Since then, we have been able to expand our work to provide school fees for primary, secondary, and university students. In 2016, we hired a social worker to initiate family reunification efforts and began training foster families. in 2018, we partnered with Alternativ to offer entrepreneurship training and microfinance opportunities to foster families. In 2021, we launched a sewing school with the help of the One Thread Project. By God’s grace, we are seeing the fruit of much labor.
We are honored to work alongside our Congolese partners. Those who partner with us in DRC inspire and encourage us daily. We are excited for what the future holds.
Thank you for coming alongside us in our work in DRC. The women and children we serve are resilient, joyful, courageous, and brave souls who deserve a healthy future in which they can be cared for by their families, thrive in a loving, safe environment, participate in their communities and churches, and attend school. We pray for the peace of eastern DRC and the end of conflict, so that this hope an be fully realized.
“I am challenged to not take for granted the life-changing gift of education and hope. Every child we support is important and deserves the chance to attend school. And even the smallest chance, might just change a life. Even the smallest glimmer of hope might shine a light in the darkness.”
Holly Mulford
Founder and Director